Apart from the benefits that come with having a clean house, a clean home has been linked to psychological well-being, which may contribute to reducing your anxiety. A clean home is also beneficial to your mental health, as it may help you get a better night’s rest. A clean, organized home helps people feel better about themselves, boosts their state of mental health, and enhances overall wellbeing.
Cleanliness and organization are closely linked to decreased stress and anxiety. Clutter and mess creates more stress and anxiety, but by cleaning, organizing, and decluttering, people are able to control their surroundings and create a more relaxing environment, which helps them to better focus on more pressing issues in their lives.
Clean Daily
If you can commit to cleaning even for twenty minutes every day or hire professional apartment cleaning services Dubai, you can decrease stress, clutter, and friction in relationships. If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, or another mental health problem, cleaning a mess can help you feel better. By decluttering a room, you can gain a sense of control over your home and create positive momentum for moving forward in treating your mental health issues. As it turns out, having a clean house really does improve your mood and wellbeing.
Reduce Stress Level
Not only does your stress levels drop when you declutter, it can boost your mood. Not only does this keep the dishes from piling up, it makes your home feel cleaner in the process. When you think about the overwhelmingly positive benefits-better mental health, improved mental health, and a cleaner, healthier environment–it is easy to see how keeping a house cleaner keeps the mind more at ease and relationships stronger. By organizing and cleaning up your surroundings, studies show that you actually become more productive, improve your ability to retain information, improve focus, and enhance your critical thinking skills.
While you may have heard about the benefits of decluttering from a magazine article, or maybe the morning news, the reality is that decluttering improves your mental health by decreasing your stress, giving you a sense of rejuvenation, and allows you to focus on living a meaningful life. Being clean and decluttering can be relaxing, and it can soothe our anxieties.
Process of Cleaning Your Home
No matter how busy you are, simply spending 20 minutes on cleaning tasks makes the house feel nice and clean, and this may result in healthier living. The process of wiping your desk top, washing sheets, making your bed, going through your clutter, taking out your garbage, washing dishes and feeling that warm water, dusting the shelves, wiping your vacuum, and other tasks related to cleaning by hand can result in a really happy, meditative state.
According to DSM-5, a manual mental health professionals use to guide their diagnoses, criteria for depression include decreased motivation and interest in activities, decreased physical activity, lost energy, and indecisiveness–all things that typically come in handy to keeping a house tidy and organized. If you are living with a mental health condition that makes maintaining a clean, organized home challenging, or you are experiencing symptoms of stress, anxiety, or depression that continue despite your best efforts to cope, you might benefit from reaching out to a mental health professional.