Swimming technique exercises for triathlon:
As I have had enough time this weekend, I have dedicated myself to compiling a series of swimming technique videos that I think will come in handy to be able to fly this summer in triathlons with Lifeguard training near me.
Now is a good time to be able to do all these exercises , since we will soon start the preseason and it is very good to improve technically, in addition to adding mts.
Exercise 1.-body position.
This first exercise is intended for those who are new to swimming and have problems with body (and hip) position. This exercise is basic to be able to swim correctly since the position of the body is essential to offer the least possible resistance.
If you carry your head high, your hips will be low and you will go crooked, so you will offer more resistance, you will go slower and you will get more tired. Swim with your head facing the bottom and try to breathe as much as you can, you’ll see how if you breathe forward, the body sinks but if you breathe laterally you will continue in the same position.
Exercise 2.-swimming with one arm
This is an exercise where you learn to “grab” water . When swimming with only one arm, you will look for supports everywhere so as not to sink.
Do a long with one arm and turn with the other. Alternate to trying breathing every couple of strokes to keep your trunk from swaying too much. Don’t forget to hit your feet so you don’t sink!!!
Exercise 3.-dead point.
This is an exercise that you can and should work on throughout the season . It will come in handy to improve your stroke technique and lengthen it. A very common mistake is to give mini-strokes by putting your hand in the water very close to your head.
Until the hand of one arm does not touch the other hand, the other stroke is not started. As you get more practice, the movements will come to you.
Exercise 4.-rolling with grip.
A very good exercise to work the grip. Observe in the video how he strongly pulls his hand out in the last phase of the stroke . Go alternating arms, going with one and back with the other.
Exercise 5.-paddling.
In my opinion, it is the exercise with which you learn the most to “feel” the water, to grab it and move it . It is complicated and tires an egg. But you’re going to learn to grab. Grab, grab!!!! 😀
As you progress, try doing it without a board: in a front crawl position and paddling.
Exercise 6.-Swim back-crawl.
I find this exercise very good for acclimatizing to the water. In addition, more than once you will have to swim backstroke in a triathlon (and breaststroke) . Try doing six front crawl strokes and three backstroke strokes, or two backstroke strokes in one length.
Exercise 7.-closed fist.
The main objective of this exercise is to increase the sensitivity in the inner part of the forearms and learn to move forward using other parts of your body other than the hands (with the forearms you also move forward).
Exercise 8.-breathe every 3 strokes.
Another exercise that you should practice throughout the season. It is above all an exercise focused on swimming in open water since it is highly recommended that you know how to breathe to both sides without drowning or losing perspective of where you are (to control the race and look for feet to follow).
Exercise 9.-swimming with ankle pullboy.
The pull placed on the ankles will help you learn to stabilize the body when swimming and helps us raise the hips if we swim with it low.
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